PT. ARTAMULIA TATAPRATAMA, one of growing fast Mining Contractor company in Indonesia, there are currently operate and explore location in the key commercial coal area ( Kalimantan and Sumatra ) around Indonesia.

In response to our continuing fast growth, we need highly qualified, dynamic, energetic, strong leadership, self motivated individuals and experienced professionals to fill the following vacancies:


1. Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring in Mining Engineering / Civil Engineer
2. Having minimum 7-10 years working experience in mining industry, minimum 1 years in same position
3. Having good analytical thinking & problem solving skills.
4. Having leadership capability, communicative and able to work in team
5. Willing to be placed in all companys location or Jakarta
6. Preferably held a "POU"/"POM" Mining Indonesia competency certificate
7. Strong commitment to safety.
8. Comprehensive knowledge in mining software such as Autocad, Minescape, Xpac, Minex, etc.
9. Male, maximum of 40 years old

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Job Vacancy at AveryDennison

AveryDennison is a member of US Fortune 500 company listed on the NYSE. We are an industry leader recognized as a top producer in both the global and local markets. Our team is the driving force of the organization and we can be likened to a collection of committed individuals who exist together in a strong bond that is high performance. As we move forward in these exciting times, we are looking for people with energy, drive and commitment to join our team.

If you are interested to join this world, come and send us your CV.

Leadership Development Programs
Job Location: None | Deadline: 01 March 2013

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PT SERBA DINAMIK INDONESIA, a PMA company specializes in equipment and services for power generation, rotating & static machineries for Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Power Generation and other industries. We also represent several world leading manufacturers and partners with these highly qualified business to offer our customers comprehensive solutions.

Presently we urgently looking for talented and highly motivated individuals for the following position:


 with the qualification ;

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Job Vacancy ( Lowongan Kerja ) at PT.Mustika Ratu

Awal pendirian PT.Mustika Ratu pada tahun 1975, dimulai dari garasi kediaman Ibu BRA. Mooryati Soedibyo. Tahun 1978 PT.Mustika Ratu mulai menjalankan usahanya secara komersial, yaitu dengan memproduksi jamu yang didistribusikan di Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Bandung, dan Medan.
Dalam perkembangannya permintaan konsumen semakin meningkat, hingga pada tahun 1980-an PT.Mustika Ratu mulai mengembangkan berbagai jenis kosmetika tradisional.

Pada tanggal 8 April 1981 pabrik PT.Mustika Ratu resmi di operasikan. Dalam rangka memperkokoh struktur permodalan serta mewujudkan visinya sebagai perusahaan Kosmetika dan Jamu Alami Berteknologi Tinggi Terbaik di Indonesia. PT.Mustika Ratu melakukan penawaran umum perdana dan mencatatkan sahamnya di PT. Bursa Efek Jakarta pada tahun 1995. PT.Mustika Ratu meulai menerapkan standar internasional ISO 9002 tentang Sistem Manajemen Mutu serta ISO 14001 tentang Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan sejak tahun 1996

1. Legal Staff
Close Date : 30-3-2013 - Jakarta
1. Laki-laki
2. S-1 Hukum
3. Bahasa Inggris Aktif (Lisan & Tulisan)
4. Berpengalaman dalam bidang Legal Corporate minimal 1 tahun.
5. Jujur, pribadi yang dinamis, dapat bekerja dalam tim.

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Job Vacancy at PT Toyota Astra Motor

PT Toyota Astra Motor, or with the usual abbreviated TAM is the Single Agent Brand Toyota Cars in Indonesia. TAM is a joint venture company between PT. Astra International Tbk to the percentage of shares 51% and Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan with the percentage of 49% shares. PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia and PT Toyota Astra Motor, is focusing in Manufacturing and Export for its vehicles & gasoline engine.
As a multinational company, who vigorously expanding our business, we need team member who can support our temporary project. We would like to invite those who are interested to join our team.

New Employee Development Program

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