Job Vacancy at PT Abhimata Persada

Established in 1990, PT. Abhimata Persada has a strong presence as a company providing innovative and integrative solutions in the field of information technology comprising software, systems and consultancy to wide range of industries including banking/financial institutions, government bodies, telecommunications sectors and retailers. As a subsidiary company of PT. Elang Mahkota Teknologi, PT Abhimata Persada is striving to be at the forefront of Indonesia’s domestic information technology sector.

To strengthen our growing team we invite high caliber candidates to fill in the following vacancies:

Quality Assurance Specialist
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


Dedicated to high quality product the job incumbent is responsible for IT audit process prior to product deployment to customers. He/she has to plan IT audit schedule, create QA test script and standards and implement the IT audit process to every product. He/she is also responsible for analyzing and monitoring the launched products on continuing basis to meet the high quality standards and concludes recommendations


• Has at least 2 years of experience in Quality Assurance of banking operations
• Some exposures to IT infrastructures/software/applications of a bank would be an advantage
• Has capacity to perform IT auditing.
• Has hands on knowledge of programming Pascal, C++, Java, SQL, SDLC & Oracle would be an advantage.
• Holds Bachelor degree in computers/electronic engineering//IT from reputable university

We provide challenging work and competitive remuneration, please forward your comprehensive resume and recent photograph to:

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Job Vacancy at PT Panasonic Lighting Indonesia

We are a Japanese company "Panasonic" a leader in the lamp manufacturing with global & dynamic vision, seeking a qualified candidate with high commitment to work together with our winning team to fill in the position as:

Tax Supervisor

(Jawa Timur - Jawa Timur)


• The incumbent will be responsible for all tax reporting & tax audit to ensure compliance of tax regulation overall


• Male/Female, S-1 Economic majoring in Accounting from reputable university
• Have strong analytical skills & leadership qualities
• Experiences in the same field is a must (knowledge & understanding in tax regulation & tax audit)
• Mastering MS Office Application as a minimum qualification
• Willing to work hard, consistent, good cooperation and able to work under pressure
• Must be innovative, flexible and energetic with good communication skill
• Willing to live in Pasuruan area

Send your applications, CV and recent photo within 10 (ten) days after this advertisment to:

HRD/Personnel & GA

PT Panasonic Lighting Indonesia

Jl. Rembang Industri Raya No 47 PIER, Pasuruan - East Java


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Job Vacancy at THE TEMPO GROUP

Group Tempo yang berdiri sejak tahun 1953 adalah sebuah kelompok usaha yang bergerak di bidang produksi, pemasaran, dan pemegang Lisensi dari produk-produk Farmasi, Nutrasetikal, Perawatan Kesehatan, Kosmetika, dan minuman ringan dengan merek-merek yang terkenal antara lain seperti: hemaviton, bodrexin, bodrex, NEO Rheumacyl, Oskadon, vidoran, REVLON, ESTEE LAUDER, CLINIQUE, Marina, MY BABY, claudia, Total Care, SOS, PRITHO, Exclusive Barclay, Fraser & Neave (F&N), dan lain-lainnya.

Saat ini salah satu anak perusahaan Grup Tempo, membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang ahli, berdedikasi tinggi, berpengalaman, dan berpendidikan akademis yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan untuk mengisi jabatan berikut:



• Pria berusia 27-33 tahun;
• Minimum lulusan S 1 Teknik Mesin / Elektro;
• Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang yang sama;
• Menguasai mesin Pabrik sabun/minyak goreng, FA/Pabrik Bahan Kimia;
• Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, secara vertical maupun horizontal;
• Mampu membangun kerjasama yang baik dan bisa memimpin;
• Pekerja keras, jujur, teliti, disiplin, dan mampu bekerja dalam tekanan;
• Menguasai program Microsoft Office, Autocad

Segera kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap, CV serta pas foto terbaru & cantumkan kode dari posisi yang diinginkan (paling lama 3 minggu dari tanggal iklan ini terbit) ke :

Corporate Recruitment Services P.O. Box 4401 JKP 10044

Hanya Pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses lebih lanjut

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Job Vacancy at Macomm Indonesia

Macomm Indonesia, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang call-center membutuhkan :

Technical Support

Kualifikasi :

• Sarjana (S1) Teknik Elektro atau Informatika
• Menguasai administrasi sistem Linux
• Menguasai web-server (Apache)
• Menguasai database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS-SQL)
• Menguasai pemrograman di Linux (PHP, Perl)
• Ingin maju dan mempelajari teknologi terbaru

Segera Kirimkan CV lengkap, salinan catatan akademis dan foto terbaru ke :

Macomm Indonesia

Raden Inten Center 9A, Jl. Raya Raden Inten - Duren Sawit, Jakarta 13440.


e-mail :

Hanya kandidat yang terpilih yang akan dihubungi untuk interview.

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Kami adalah perusahaan industri minuman yang tergabung dalam WINGS Group sedang mencari tenaga muda berpotensi & memiliki motivasi tinggi serta inovatif untuk mengisi posisi-posisi sebagai:

Supervisor IT


• Pria usia maks. 27 tahun
• Pendidikan min. S1 Teknik Informatika dari Universitas Negeri / Swasta terkemuka
• IPK min. 3 skala 4
• Pengalaman 1 – 3 tahun di bidang SAP Programming (ABAP)
• Menguasai SAP Programming (ABAP), Visual Basic, JAVA, Delphi dan Database (MS SQL Server & Oracle)
• Mampu berbahasa Inggris (min. Pasif)
• Mau bekerja keras, jujur, siap bekerja dibawah tekanan dan bekerja sama dalam team.
• Bersedia bekerja di daerah Cibitung – Bekasi

Segera kirimkan data lengkap Anda melalui e-mail di


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