Job Vacancy at PT. J Darmawan Venture Capital

PT. J Darmawan Venture Capital adalah perusahaan modal ventura-lembaga keuangan non bank. Kami mengembangkan para pemimpin bisnis yang etis dengan menciptakan lingkungan edupreneur, sehingga para pemimpin bisnis kami dapat dilatih dan masuk ke bisnis secara langsung. Kami tidak hanya menyediakan pelatihan, fasilitas, atau modal, tetapi juga mentor dan komunitas di sepanjang jalan kewirausahaan.

We are looking for 10 (ten) young and passionate people to be great entrepreneurs. And by great we mean someone who is a go-getter, is willing to take a risk, is looking for adventure not just money and who really wants to create a positive impact on the nation.

I. Entrepreneurship Program (Code: EP)

We are looking for 10 (ten) young and passionate people to be great entrepreneurs. And by great we mean someone who is a go-getter, is willing to take a risk, is looking for adventure not just money and who really wants to create a positive impact on the nation.

1. Highly motivated to be an entrepreneur
2. Clear business concept in related field
3. Male/Female
4. Age 22-30
5. Fresh graduates are welcome; maximum 2 years after graduation
6. Minimum Bachelor Degree (any discipline)
7. Placement in Sentul, Bogor

Send your resume and share your passion and interest in an essay

For further information, please visit our website:

PT. J. Darmawan Venture Capital
Kompleks Darmawan Park
Gedung A
Jl. Raya Babakan Madang No. 99
Sentul Selatan – BOGOR 16810
No Tlp. 021-87950049
Fax. 021-87951250
Email :

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Job Vacancy atPT. Voxteneo Indonesia

PT. Voxteneo Indonesia, established in 2012 in Bandung, is an ambitious and dynamic software company centred on people and carried bt motivatedteam working with respect and trust, in order to reach long-term solutions. We are subsidiary of the belgian company VOX TENEO, created in 2002, and develop interactive management and communication applications.

Common text for every job description below:

You will join our team in Bandung and be working as part of a skilled team, in a very "human" environment. We place great emphasis on motivation and skills. Good knowledge of English is mandatory. We will offer you an indefinite contract, a good salary and maintain a policy of continuous training to guarantee your professional development.

The following positions are available for fulltime/permanent only.


1/ PHP Developers (medium and high level)

Requirements :
  • Extensive development knowledge (front and back end).
  • Development experience with good Object-oriented design skills.
  • Expert at assembling complex MySQL queries, MySQL Optimization and database design.
  • Ability to develop frontends in HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Experience gathering and developing Functional Requirements.
  • Have good experiences to develop with Wordpress or Drupal or Prestashop.
  • Minimum Expereince 3 years
  • Experience in JQuery and other JS libraries
  • Familiarity with testing, debugging, and continuous integration
  • Version control with Git
  • Expertise APIs integration and development

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Cara Sukses mendapatkan pekerjaan !!!


Simak baik-baik motivasi dari motivator ulung, cerdas, dan bisa langsung di buktikan ... ayooo raih rezekimu dengan menemukan kunci-kuncinya...!!!

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Job Vacancy at PT PLN (PERSERO)

PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara, English: 'State Electricity Company') is an Indonesian government-owned corporation (BUMN) which has a monopoly on electricity distribution in Indonesia. The PLN is Indonesia's second-largest state company by assets The top level management, headed by the president director, reports to a government-appointed board.

The reliability and quality of electricity supply has steadily improved in Indonesia in recent decades. Supply is more reliable in Java because the grid is relatively well-developed compared to the situation in the Outer Islands (such as Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan) where most areas are serviced by localised systems often powered by small diesel plants. However power outages are still common, even in Java . There was, for example, a particularly severe power outage in 2005 which reportedly affected around 100 million people across Java and Bali for over five hours.

PT PLN (PERSERO) - Electricity for a better Life
Pengumuman Rekrutmen Terbuka PT PLN (Persero) Tingkat S1/D4/D3 Tahun 2014 Penempatan di Seluruh Indonesia

PT PLN (Persero) merupakan perusahaan penyedia jasa kelistrikan terbesar di Indonesia. Dengan visi untuk “Diakui sebagai Perusahaan Kelas Dunia yang Bertumbuh kembang, Unggul dan Terpercaya dengan bertumpu pada Potensi Insani”, PT PLN (Persero) berkomitmen untuk melistriki seluruh Nusantara. Kami percaya bahwa Potensi insani merupakan aset terbesar dan masa depan kami, karenanya kami berinvestasi besar untuk mendapatkan calon-calon pemimpin masa depan yang akan mengembangkan PT PLN (Persero) menjadi Perusahaan Kelas Dunia dan menghadapi tantangan bisnis di masa yang akan datang. Kesempatan berkarier di PT PLN (Persero) dan Anak Perusahaan (PT Indonesia Power dan PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali) sangatlah luas karena rentang bisnis kami dari hulu sampai hilir, mulai dari Pembangkitan, Transmisi hingga Distribusi Listrik ke pelanggan serta jasa-jasa pendukungnya. Bergabunglah bersama kami!

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PT DAHAM INDO PERKASA, a fast growing IT Integrated Solution Company is seeking for a suitable individual to keep up with its rapid growth to fill in the position of FINANCE & BUSINESS SUPPORT. This role is expected to be a good exposure for talented fresh graduates to gain broader experience in finance & business. The tasks will include:

• Assist with the daily running processes in the Finance Department in a Timely, Effective and Efficient manner.
• Entry financial journal and reconcile bank statements as required for financial report.
• Monitor and control cash flow and budget spending.
• Perform filing and organize invoice documents for payment, included but not limited to check and verify invoices, as well as process payment to supplier.
• Support other function in financial & general matters.

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